Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible

If you would like to have a deeper relationship with God and a better understanding of your faith, then join us for Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible. You will not only benefit personally from being part of this study; you will also help to bring about a profound renewal in our parish as we grow closer to Christ.

Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible helps you uncover the story woven through Scripture with its clever narrative approach and ingenious colour-coded Bible Timeline. It is a great way to get the “big picture” of the Bible and see how our Catholic Faith is rooted in Scripture. You’ll see how the Bible reveals God’s loving plan for your life, and you will learn helpful ways to put your faith into practice.



The study includes a series of eight informative and engaging half-hour videos presented by Jeff Cavins. Each video will be followed by a lively group discussion. You will receive:

  • a Bible study workbook (A4 format, full-colour, 78 pages)
  • colour-coded Bible Timeline Chart
  • colour-coded Bible Timeline Bookmark

You will need a copy of a Catholic edition of the Bible (Old & New Testament). If you don’t have one, we can assist you with buying New Catholic Bible hardback @ £17 or paperback @ £13. If so, indicate it in the registration form below. Please note the cost of the purchase of the Bible is not included in the cost of the study.



We will begin Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible on Tuesday 17th September at 7pm at St Joseph’s Parish Hall, Woodside, Aberdeen. The entire study program will take 8 consecutive Tuesdays. Each session will last approximately 90 minutes. A one-off, non-refundable payment of £20 per participant is required to cover the cost of materials. (Financial assistance is available for those who struggle to cover the cost). Light refreshments will be available. To sign up, fill in the form below.

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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122