Synod Update

Over the last couple of weeks, our diocesan synodal team had the wonderful opportunity to meet remotely with its new members, the facilitators of synod meetings from each of our four deaneries. Together, we laid out the foundations for the next phase of the synod in our diocese (which will take place next year in our parishes). We discussed how to make the most of this time of reflection about journeying together. Here are some insights shared by a few of the facilitators:

” I was really excited when I heard about the Synod. It is great that we can all journey together during this process and I look forward to being involved!”

“We are to be the salt of the earth. To be a facilitator is truly a blessing as it will give me the opportunity to listen and to watch closely the work of the Holy Spirit among the people of God and to experience, first hand, His holy presence in guiding forward our holy Church. A “once in a lifetime” chance to be a close witness on how our Lord Jesus Christ will strengthen His people as beacons of hope for the future.”

“To me the idea of assisting with this Synod, which Pope Francis initiated, was to try to do something to help our church locally. It is about giving individual parishioners an opportunity to share their experiences; some will be good and others perhaps less so. Whatever the case the Holy Father is asking us to listen and relay back to him what we hear through our local bishop.”

“I agreed to become a facilitator because I try to live out my life according to the Rule of St Benedict. This rule stresses the need for obedience to one’s superiors. While no one ordered me to become a facilitator, I tend to treat requests from fellow-churchgoers as though they were orders and always try to meet the request, no matter how unsuited I may feel. I leave it up to the Holy Spirit to equip me for the allotted task!”

“I’m excited about becoming a facilitator for our diocesan synod. It will be a great experience for me to be part of an engagement with the whole church in discerning of the Holy Spirit through meeting, talking and listening to people who share the same faith with me”.

Our team is looking forward to listening to your ideas about how we can become a truly synodal Church of the third millennium, in which all the members of the People of God have a valuable part to play to deliver Her mission and share the good news of the Gospel.

From the diocesan synodal team, we wish you a very blessed, peaceful and merry Christmas when it comes.


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122