Summer Youth Events

Aged between 16/18 and 35 years old and looking for some fun fellowship and faith-filled summer adventures?

Stronghold Festival in one of the beautiful Scottish highlands
Date– 26th to 29th May, 2023
Age Group – 16 to 35 year olds
Registration Link –

YouCAN Retreat @ Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin
YouCAN is Young Catholic Adults Network Uk, A group of Young Catholics who are all about Jesus and striving to live for Him. Our very own Bishop Hugh will be at this retreat to speak to us on the Theme ” Discerning and Responding to the Voice of Christ
Date– 9th to 12th June, 2023
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OHP  Worship Weekend in London
One Hope Project is a group of catholic music worshipers who live for Jesus, they have organized this worship weekend and have invited us all to come together as a body of Christ in worship and praise to the living God.
Date– 7th to 9th July, 2023
Age Group -18+
Registration Link – OHP WORSHIP WEEKEND (07-Jul-2023) · ChurchSuite Events
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Youth2000 Summer Festival @ Ampleforth Abbey (A stunning countryside in Yorkshire)
Date – 25th to 28th August, 2023
Registration Link –


RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122