Homily for Mass of the Lord’s Supper
As the younger generation would say, this is awesome – this evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper, this first moment of the Paschal Triduum. It has so much atmosphere. It’s […]
Homily for Palm Sunday
‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.’ That is how our Mass began this morning. The first thing we do today – this extraordinary day, this […]
Homily for the Mass of Chrism
It’s a happy chance that our Chrism Mass this year follows on from yesterday’s solemnity, the Annunciation. Ideally, the Chrism Mass is kept on the morning of Maundy Thursday – […]
Resignation of Cardinal O’Brien: Statement of Bishop Hugh
I welcome the clear response by Pope Francis to the allegations made against Cardinal O’Brien, and the urgency of the conclusions that have been drawn. Indeed, it was the decision […]
Acknowledging Sin brings the World to New Hope
I’m most grateful to Bishop John for the opportunity to contribute to his programme of catechesis. I am here with a sense of privilege and with a full heart. My […]
The dedication of a new statute to St John Ogilvie
… We’re remembering tonight St John Ogilvie, born in Drum-na-Keith in 1579, died at Glasgow Cross on 10 March, 1615, 400 years ago this year. A Jesuit, a priest and […]
Pastoral Letter for 1st Sunday of Lent
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, As you know, the Scottish Parliament is considering a Bill to legalise assisted suicide in certain situations. It is our human, Christian and democratic […]
Homily for the 1st Station Mass / Mass of Election
Around the year 600, a Spanish bishop, St Isidore of Seville, wrote a book about the liturgy of the Church. For historians, it’s a precious record of how things were […]
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