Reflection for Scottish Parliament
Presiding Officer, Ladies and Gentlemen, Before being bishop, I am a Benedictine monk. It was thanks to an Act of the Scottish Parliament of 1560 that the monastery I lived in […]
Homily for All Saints
My mother died on this feast 9 years ago. I admire her for her timing! This is a great feast. It’s beautifully timed itself. It comes after the feasts of […]
Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This is a wonderful Gospel. And like every Gospel reading it goes beyond itself; it includes us. Jesus at this point in the Gospel according to Mark, for some three […]
Pastoral Letter for 23rd August 2015
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Last Tuesday, Revd. Dr. Andrew McLellan published his Commission’s Report, a review of current Safeguarding policies, procedures and practice within the Catholic Church in […]
Statement by Bishop Hugh Gilbert
Statement by the Bishop of Aberdeen, Rt Rev. Hugh Gilbert OSB, following the publication of the McLellan Report. As Bishop of Aberdeen Diocese I welcome the publication of the McLellan […]
Homily for the Assumption of Our Lady
Today is a day of uplift. The Collect has the phrase ‘the things that are above.’ The baffling 1st reading talks of a child ‘taken straight up to God and […]
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