• Homily for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time

    I’d like to approach today’s readings in a roundabout way. A family was hosting some friends to a meal. The mother asked her teenage son to go to the kitchen […]

  • Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

    ‘There was a wedding in Cana in Galilee.’ And Jesus was there. This is the Gospel of John, the Gospel with depth upon depth. ‘There was a wedding…’ And Jesus […]

  • Homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany

    We’re told every now and then that we shouldn’t be ‘starry-eyed’. Thank God, the Magi were! I hope we are too. We can’t live without stars, without some kind of […]

  • Homily for Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

    This feast really is a feast. It’s a well-laden table. First of all, it’s the Octave or 8th day of Christmas. The 8th day completes the circle and in a […]

  • Homily for Midnight Mass

    ‘O Cave, prepare yourself to receive the Mother who carries Christ in her womb. O Manger, receive the Word who destroyed the sins of all. O shepherds, keep watch and […]

  • Penitential Service

    When I was a boy, my parents gave me a clock. It was a fine clock; it was blue, I remember; it had luminous hands. I put it by my […]

  • Homily for Opening of the Door of Mercy

    Today, the Holy Door has been opened. The Year of Mercy has arrived. The prophet Balaam is called a “man with far-seeing eyes”. There is something of that to Pope […]

  • University of Aberdeen Carol Service – Meditation

    An American acquaintance christened his house ‘Love-in-the-ruins’. He has never vouchsafed precisely why. Apparently, the phrase – in the form ‘love among the ruins’ – goes back to an 1855 […]


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