Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Recently, I was in Washington and visited the Museum of the Bible. Its focus is the history, formation, copying, translating, printing, impact, influence of the Bible. It is new, close […]
Homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent
Today Jesus is driven by the Holy Spirit into the desert, and there he is for forty days, tempted by Satan. It’s a mysterious episode: on the edge of human […]
Homily for Station Mass
“[This] is the time in the vineyard of the Lord, when, at the planting of the new vines, the old vines are pruned, that they may bear more fruit” (from […]
Homily for Ash Wednesday 2018
When I became bishop, I found in the house chapel a casket. Inside the casket were relics of several saints. Some of these were actually bones, one or two a […]
Homily for the 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
The power of God’s word is what the today’s readings deliver. The Lord says to Moses, ‘I will raise up a prophet like yourself for them…I will put my words […]
Memoria Dei
Talk to the Religious of the Diocese. I’d like to talk about the memory of God. It is a great theme. God remembers and so do we. So, memory is […]
Homily for the Funeral of Canon William Anderson
That Gospel has not been read by chance. It was chosen for this occasion by the much-loved man whose life we are here to be eucharistic about: Fr. Bill Anderson, […]
Homily for the Solemnity of the Epiphany
Epiphany means ‘manifestation.’ But that’s a heavy word. An ‘epiphany’ is an outburst, an explosion, of light and of a light falling on us, lighting us. This is a beautiful […]
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