Homily for Good Friday
Three times in the Gospel of John, Jesus said he would be lifted up (Jn 3:14; 8:28; 12:32). He was talking of his death. And that Friday in Jerusalem 2000 […]
Homily for Maundy Thursday
‘This is my Body which will be given up for you.’ ‘This is the chalice of my blood, poured out for you’ Are there any words quite like these? ‘Hoc […]
Homily for Palm Sunday
Today we enter on Holy Week and Christ enters Jerusalem and enters into his Passion. What is it all about?
Homily for the Chrism Mass
Oil overflows, spills, runs… This is a very sacramental time of year. Today’s liturgy is a case in point. We recall the sacrament of Orders, bless the oils of Catechumens […]
Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Lent
Recently, I was in Washington and visited the Museum of the Bible. Its focus is the history, formation, copying, translating, printing, impact, influence of the Bible. It is new, close […]
Homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent
Today Jesus is driven by the Holy Spirit into the desert, and there he is for forty days, tempted by Satan. It’s a mysterious episode: on the edge of human […]
Homily for Station Mass
“[This] is the time in the vineyard of the Lord, when, at the planting of the new vines, the old vines are pruned, that they may bear more fruit” (from […]
Homily for Ash Wednesday 2018
When I became bishop, I found in the house chapel a casket. Inside the casket were relics of several saints. Some of these were actually bones, one or two a […]
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