• Jubilarian Mass Marks 160 Years of Service

    A special Mass was organised and took place at noon on Monday 11th March at Saint Mary’s Cathedral to celebrate the anniversaries of the ordination of three members of our […]

  • Bishop’s Hugh’s Message for Ash Wednesday

    Bishop Hugh Gilbert OSB of the Diocese of Aberdeen invites us to consider using Psalms as a guide through the extraordinary time of Lent to reflect our relationship with God.

  • Homily for the Three Cathedrals Service

    “Jesus went on his way …journeying to Jerusalem.” Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem is the backbone, the spinal cord of the Gospel of Luke. He turns his face towards Jerusalem. He […]

  • Bishop Hugh on Recent Beatifications

    Bishop Hugh highlights the importance of reflection on the extraordinary people that have been beatified recently in Algeria. 

  • Feast of the Holy Family

    Today we keep the feast of the Holy Family. And today’s Gospel recounts a dramatic episode in that family’s life: the losing and finding of the 12 year old Jesus. […]

  • Christmas Day Mass

    Every Sunday Mass, every feast day, has its own set of prayers and readings. Christmas, being a great feast, the second after Easter, has four. It has a Vigil Mass, […]

  • Christmas Night Mass

    ‘There is a child born for us, a son given to us.’ Brothers and Sisters, after so much anticipation, Mary is delivered, the baby is born and Christmas is here. […]

  • Litany of St John the Baptist

    This litany is privately composed and can be privately used, or even publicly within the diocese. John the Baptist seems to me to merit a Litany of his own. I […]


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122