Homily for Maundy Thursday
Tonight we begin the journey of the Paschal Triduum: our journey, Christ’s journey, a journey to the Cross and beyond, to the empty tomb; a journey with Christ, to Christ […]
Homily for Palm Sunday
Today is too much for us really, more than we can take in. There is the entry into Jerusalem: so positive, so promising. Here’s the Messiah entering Jerusalem, hailed as […]
Chrism Mass 2019
The Chrism Mass is a special annual celebration led by the diocesan Bishop with the diocesan clergy. During that Mass the priests publicly renew their promises, and the oils used […]
Homily for the Chrism Mass
Should we make jokes about hell? Anyway, one is that in hell the British will be in charge of cooking, adding to the hellishness. Perhaps a prime example of our […]
Pastoral Letter For the 5th Sunday of Lent
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Easter is almost here. We might picture ‘Easter’ as a person, as someone coming to visit us. She comes with her cortege of feasts: […]
Mid Lent Reflection
Bishop Hugh Gilbert of the RC Diocese of Aberdeen, Scotland offers his mid-lent reflection where he presents Abraham as a key figure to help us prepare for Easter.
Homily for Funeral Mass of Mgr Robert MacDonald
In his latter years, Mgr Robert produced – with Anne Oliver’s help – a pleasing booklet, Priests I have Known. Well, he is a priest all of us here have […]
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent
Today Jesus meets the Samaritan woman by Jacob’s well. St Augustine captures the energy of the story. “A woman came. She is a symbol of the Church not yet justified, […]
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