Northern Isles

Note: Although this website tries to provide up-to-date information, we cannot guarantee its complete reliability – parishes can make changes to their arrangements due to their own needs or particular temporary circumstances. It is strongly advisable to contact a particular parish by phone or to visit its website before visiting it.

Kirkwall, Our Lady & St Joseph’s - Orkney

Postal Address: Junction Rd, Kirkwall KW15 1BU
Phone: (01856) 872462

Visit Website

Mass Times:
Sunday: 17:30
Holy Day of Obligation: as announced

Confession Times:
before Mass

Lerwick, St Margaret’s & The Sacred Heart - Shetland

Postal Address: St Olaf Street, Lerwick, Shetland, ZE1 0ES
Phone: (01595) 692233

Visit Website

Mass Times:
17:00 (Vigil)
Sunday: 10:30, 19:30
Holy Day of Obligation: as announced

Confession Times:
Saturday 16:15-17:00; on request


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122