Light of the North Magazine

The Light of the North is a quarterly magazine produced by the Diocese of Aberdeen. The first edition of the magazine was published in 2006 in order to address the issues which, at the time of his ordination, Bishop Peter Moran had determined would be his priorities as Bishop of Aberdeen: youth; adult faith formation; marriage and the family and outreach to the disadvantaged. To that end, the Light of the North has worked at establishing a balance of lively and informative features combined with news and views from across the Diocese.

Geographically speaking, the Diocese of Aberdeen is one of the largest in Europe and, at the same time as supporting the initiatives of our present Bishop, the Rt Reverend Hugh Gilbert OSB, we endeavour to help foster a sense of unity within the Diocese and also a sense of belonging to the wider Catholic community of the Universal Church.

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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122