Light of the North: Easter 2023

Welcome to the Easter issue of the Light of the North. You’ll find lots of news in the magazine from around the Diocese including Dr Shelagh Noden’s article about St Mary’s Cathedral organist, Ronald Leith, who celebrates his 50th year at the keyboards. Then there’s Eileen Grant’s article about St John, ‘the beloved disciple’, and Fr John Bowles, Regional Director of the Columban Missionaries in Britain, gives an insight into the life of the Orcadian writer George Mackay Brown (1921-96), regarded by many as Scotland’s greatest writer of the twentieth century. Also, for both our Polish and Scottish readers, Lidia Konar reveals why the Blessed Virgin Mary has always been perceived by Poles as their special intercessor and the Queen of Polish hearts:


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
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