Jubilarian Mass Marks 160 Years of Service

A special Mass was organised and took place at noon on Monday 11th March at Saint Mary’s Cathedral to celebrate the anniversaries of the ordination of three members of our presbyterate, and one deacon. Bishop Emeritus Peter Moran – 60 years, Canon Peter Barry – 50 years, Fr. Derick McCulloch – 25 years, Deacon John Woodside – 25 years.

This adds up to 160 years of service!

Of this wonderful event, Vicar General and celebrant Fr Domenico Zanre said:

“Our Jubilarians’ Mass in St. Mary’s Cathedral was a marvelous occasion for the entire Roman Catholic Diocese of Aberdeen, as well as for all our friends and colleagues outwith the Catholic community, who know and appreciate the immense work our four Jubilarians have undertaken over the years. Between them, these men have served the Church for 160 years, and we are rightly proud! This wonderful achievement is a real testimony to their own faith and devotion, and it offers us an example of what true Christian discipleship means. In an age when the values of steadfast commitment and humble, loving service are often praised but seldom practised, our Jubilarians stand out as shining beacons of joy and hope for us all. We wish them many more happy years – ad multos annos!”

One of the Jubilarians, Bishop Peter added:

“On this sixtieth anniversary I thank God for all the people I will mention. First of all Joe and Gertie my parents for their love and their splendid example. Then my brother and my three sisters, and clergy colleagues deacons, priests and of course bishops. In a special way I thank parishioners in Blairs, Inverurie and Fortrose for support, appreciation and also for criticism, hard to take at the time, but valuable. Finally I thank God that so many years have been spent in the beautiful landscape of the Diocese of Aberdeen.

Father Derick added:

“ After school I applied for training as a priest in the Scottish Episcopal Church, and after competing my degree in Edinburgh University I was ordained into the Ministry of the Anglican church in 1974. I converted to the Roman Catholic Church just over 30 years ago. After seminary training I returned to work in the diocese as a deacon 26 years ago. It was all part of a pilgrimage that is not yet ended.”

Canon Peter Barry said:

“As I reflect on this mass, I dream of a church in the spirit of Saint Francis: warm, welcoming, meeting joyfully in prayer.
A church which lives by the Word of God, with an inspiring liturgy, relevant Homily, reaching out to those who have no resources of their own,
except the love we offer.”

Deacon John Woodside added:

“Today’s celebration of the Jubilee Mass at St Mary’s Cathedral in Aberdeen with Bishop Emeritus Peter, Canon Peter and Father Derek, is a special opportunity to personally thank God for His many graces and blessings throughout my 25 years of diaconal ministry in the Diocese of Aberdeen, the wider Church throughout Scotland, and among the people of Aberdeenshire.

I have learned and loved much, and to those who have accompanied me on this joyful Pilgrimage of Service, especially my wife and family, friends and colleagues, I am eternally grateful for your unconditional love and support. To the co-Jubilarians, I add my congratulations on your anniversaries of Ordination, and join many others in offering best wishes and prayers for the years ahead”.


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122