Bp Hugh Gilbert
Homily for the Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin
Today is an opportunity to connect with our Lady, Mary, the chief patron of this Abbey. And this can only refresh us.
Homily for the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of the Lord
In an episode of The Chosen, a child asks Jesus what his favourite food is. He replies that he likes many foods, but that his favourite is bread. This is […]
Sermon for Founders’ Day
In today’s reading from the book of Eccelsiasticus or Sirach (44: 1-15), a Palestinian sage of the 2nd century before Christ evokes his ancestors, first in general and then all […]
Homily for the 4th Sunday of Easter
“The Lord is my shepherd” – is there any phrase in the Bible so well-known? So cherished? Is there any biblical metaphor for the Lord so familiar as that of […]
Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Easter
Dear Brothers and Sisters, one of the joys of Eastertide is hearing the accounts of the appearances of Jesus after his Resurrection. Today, we hear the familiar and beautiful account […]
Homily for the 2nd Sunday of Easter
Christos voskres! Voistynu voskres! Christ is risen! He is truly risen! Last night I had the joy of hearing those words at a Ukrainian Catholic Liturgy here in this Cathedral, […]
Reflection on the Sacrament of Reconciliation
When we confess our sins, we generally begin with the word ‘I’. That’s best actually: we are meant to confess our sins, rather than those of others! We begin with […]
Homily for Good Friday
We continue our Passover, our three-day Paschal journey, and arrive today at the foot of the Cross, with Mary and John and the other faithful disciples. The event of Maundy […]
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