Bp Hugh Gilbert
Homily for 18th Sunday of the Year
Tomorrow marks the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War I, or of Great Britain’s entry into it. How few people imagined what it would be like! Pope St […]
Homily for 17th Sunday of the Year
This is the third consecutive Sunday we’ve heard the parables of Jesus – the seven he gives in ch. 13 of St Matthew’s Gospel. Today we hear the last three: […]
Homily for the Feast of our Lady of Aberdeen
In the Lady Chapel of the church of Notre Dame du Finistère in Brussels stands a statue of our Lady holding the infant Jesus. It’s made of wood, oak, and […]
Homily for New Dawn Conference
Isn’t it good to be here? Isn’t it good to have expressed our love of Mary so publicly? And how delighted I am that New Dawn Scotland should have chosen […]
Homily for the Solemnity of Ss Peter and Paul
Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us, Ss Peter and Paul, pray for us, All holy apostles, pray for us. The Church is not unlike this monastery. Some bits […]
The Baptism of Jesus
Talk to the Aberdeenshire Theological Club 20 January 2014 Introduction Thank you for the opportunity to speak to this venerable Club. It was about this time of year, last year, […]
Homily for the Solemnity of St John the Baptist
Two familiar things can be said on this feast day of John the Baptist. The first is that as Jesus’ birthday falls just after the winter solstice when the days […]
Homily for Corpus Christi
Today we keep Corpus Christi, the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ. It was in 1264 that Pope Urban IV mandated this feast for the whole Roman Rite. […]
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