Bp Hugh Gilbert
All Saints Day
Today, we celebrate all those ‘standing in front of the throne and of the Lamb’. Who are they? Surely, all those figures of the Old Testament, from Abel and Abraham […]
Homily to introduce the Conventual Franciscans
Today is a memorable day. First of all, we are keeping the Nativity, the Birthday, of the Blessed Virgin. Its proper date is the 8th, tomorrow. But this church, when […]
Homily for Dedication of the Altar
Today we celebrate one of the richest, almost luscious, of the Church’s liturgies, that of the dedication of an altar.
Homily for Evening Ecumenical Service
I am grateful for the opportunity to preach in this beautiful chapel this evening. Today’s is a famous, even perhaps an infamous Gospel. Certainly it’s one that has aroused much […]
210th Anniversary of St Peter’s, Castlegate, Aberdeen
How many of us, I wonder, have taken part in a 210th anniversary of anything? To be honest, when I first heard of it, I thought it crazy. I still […]
Homily for the 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
‘O woman, great is your faith.’ Behind all three readings today, there’s one same thing: the great divide between the Jews and non-Jews, the latter also known as Gentiles or […]
Homily for the Solemnity of the Assumption
‘Blessed is she who believed.’ How fortunate, how blessed we are to have things like this – the Assumption of Mary – to believe in and feed our souls on! […]
Pastoral Letter for Sunday 10th August 2014
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, We are all aware of the conflicts ravaging the Middle East. We feel we should be more than mere head-shaking spectators. But what can […]
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