Bp Hugh Gilbert
Homily for the 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Today’s Gospel is difficult. So let’s try and get to grips with it. On the side, let me say that, if we do try and take a Gospel on board, […]
Homily for the Assumption
It’s a deep Christian instinct – not restricted to us either – that there is such a thing as divine Providence, and behind it an all-embraving divine purpose, a wisdom […]
Homily for the 20th Sunday of the Year
Today our readings continue their five-week summer holiday. We are by the shore of Lake Galilee, in Capernaum. Jesus is speaking about himself as the Bread of Life. We are […]
Homily for the Requiem of Fr George Hutcheon
Not long before he died, Fr George said to me that he did not want a eulogy. No, fair enough. We’re not here to eulogise. We’re here to remember him, […]
Homily for Pentecost Sunday
Today we are not just keeping Pentecost; we are living it. We are enacting it. On that Pentecost Day in Jerusalem 2000 years ago, there were people – Jews mainly […]
Homily for the Solemnity of the Lord’s Ascension
This is a beautiful feast, a mysteriously joyful one, a feast to die on (St Bede died on its eve) and a feast to live from. In an old reckoning, […]
Homily for the 7th Sunday of Easter
We are in the precious time between the Ascension and Pentecost. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus had told his disciples to stay in Jerusalem. So at the end of St […]
Homily for the Priestly Ordination of Br Simon Piatkowski OSB
As the years pass, I find myself less and less able to say anything about anything. So, I’m in a dilemma and flailing around in hope of rescue. And here […]
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