Bp Hugh Gilbert
Homily for the 18th Sunday of the Year
The people in today’s first reading were Israelites who had just escaped from Egypt and passed through the water of the Red Sea. They were beginning their journey through a […]
Homily for the Priestly Ordinations of Christopher and Malachy
“Sing, rejoice, daughter of Zion, for I am coming to dwell in the midst of you.” These are good and apposite words for today. We have been short of singing […]
Homily for the 15th Sunday of Ordinary Time (Sea Sunday)
This is a timely Gospel. In it Jesus sends the Twelve out on mission – for the first time. He summons them to himself, sends them out two by two […]
Homily for the Feast of our Lady of Aberdeen
“Woman, behold, your son” (Jn 19:26). On the Cross, our Lord gave to his mother the disciple he loved, the one closest to him. In doing that, he opened the […]
Homily for the 14th Sunday of Ordinary Time
In July 1974, I was visiting Pluscarden Abbey, and the readings were those of today. The monk who was celebrating preached on the line in the 2nd reading, 2 Corinthians […]
Homily for 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time
“The love of Christ overwhelms us”, says St Paul is today’s 2nd reading. He is talking about Christ’s love for us, shown in his self-giving on the Cross. His talking […]
Homily for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
In a poem, John Keats imagines the first Europeans to discover the Pacific Ocean. He’s thinking of the 16th c. Spanish conquistadores, Cortez and his men. They don’t even know […]
Homily for the Solemnity of Ascension
“And so the Lord Jesus, after he had spoken to them, was taken up into heaven.” This is the feast of the Ascension, forty days from Easter Sunday. In a […]
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