Bp Hugh Gilbert

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent

    Homily for the 4th Sunday of Advent

    Today we are close to Christmas. Expectancy is in the air. “Drop down dew from above, you heavens, and let the clouds rain down the Just One; let the earth […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent

    Homily for the 3rd Sunday of Advent

    These are dark days. I don’t mean in the north of Scotland in the middle of December. I mean in the world and for the world. It is in a […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King

    Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King

    Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King. This feast makes a resounding end to our journey from last Advent to now.

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King

    Homily for the Solemnity of Christ the King

    Today is the last Sunday of the liturgical year, the Solemnity of Christ the Universal King. This feast makes a resounding end to our journey from last Advent to now. […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Solemnity of All Saints

    Solemnity of All Saints

    Sometimes, Christ was alone, as when he went up the mountain to pray. Usually though, we think of him with others: at Christmas with Mary and Joseph, with the shepherds […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

    Homily for the 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

    “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.” What is a homily? One beggar […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Opening of the Diocesan Synodal Process

    Homily for the Opening of the Diocesan Synodal Process

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Last weekend, in Rome, the Holy Father began what is called the synodal path. What is this? Every few years a Synod of Bishops is held […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the 28th Sunday of the Year

    Homily for the 28th Sunday of the Year

    “Jesus was setting out on a journey when a man ran up, knelt before him and put this question to him, “Good Master, what must I do to inherit eternal […]


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