Annual Diocesan Pilgrimage to Pluscarden

Bishop Hugh would like to extend an invitation to you to the Pluscarden Pilgrimage which takes place on Sunday, 30th June. This year’s theme is “Unrolling the Scroll: The Ministry of Proclaiming God’s Word,” with a special invitation to Parish readers.

Arrangements are well underway for the pilgrimage and the planned events will provide a perfect opportunity for relaxing in the grounds of the Abbey, with a chance to meet people from other parishes within the Diocese.  Parishioners are encouraged to bring their picnics; refreshments will also be available from 12 noon in the refreshment tent with Mass starting at 15:00.

13:00 – Exposition in the Lady Chapel until 14:30
13:00 – Individual confessions in the parlours at St. Benedict’s Retreat until 14:30
15:00 – Pilgrimage Mass & Procession

After the mass, which Bishop Hugh will lead alongside priests from across the diocese, there will be a Marian procession to the garden in front of St. Benedict’s Retreat, weather permitting.


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122