2025 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures

Trinitarian Anthropology – What Does it Mean for all of Creation to be Marked by the Form of the Trinity? Four talks by Professor Tracey Rowland

A series of public lectures to be given at Pluscarden Abbey, Elgin, from Tuesday 10th – Thursday 12th June 2025.

St Bonaventure famously taught that all of creation is marked by the form of the Trinity. The Four Pentecost lectures will explore this theme with reference to the faculties of the human soul (the intellect, the memory and the will), the operation of the theological virtues (faith, hope and love) upon these faculties, and the soul’s apprehension of truth, beauty and goodness. Continuing this theme of the trinitarian form in creation the final lecture will provide an overview of contemporary theological studies on the Holy Family and the idea of the Catholic family as an image of the Holy Trinity.

1.      Tuesday 10th June at 15:00 – The Relationship between the Holy Trinity and the Human Person

2.      Wednesday 11th June at 10:30 – The Faculties of the Human Soul and Faith, Hope and Love

3.      Wednesday 11th June at 15:00 – Truth, Beauty and Goodness as Gateways to the Trinity

4. Thursday 12th June at 10:30 – The Family as an Image of the Trinity and the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

There is no charge for these lectures and all are welcome to attend.

To register for the talks, make further enquiries, or book accommodation, please write to: Pentecost Lectures, Pluscarden Abbey, ELGIN, Moray IV30 8UA enclosing SAE; or see website for online forms: www.pluscardenabbey.org


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