Month: July 2024

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Requiem of Fr George Hutcheon

    Homily for the Requiem of Fr George Hutcheon

    Not long before he died, Fr George said to me that he did not want a eulogy. No, fair enough. We’re not here to eulogise. We’re here to remember him, […]

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Homily for the Pluscarden Pilgrimage

    Homily for the Pluscarden Pilgrimage

    Brothers and Sisters in Christ, why celebrate Ss Peter and Paul? What have they done for us? What do we owe them? What have they given us?

  • Thumbnail for the post titled: Fr George Hutcheon, RIP

    Fr George Hutcheon, RIP

    After a long illness, Fr George Hutcheon died on the 26 June, in Roxburghe House, Aberdeen, having received the Sacraments of the Church.


RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122