2023 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures

Living the Faith in the World of Today.

The 2023 Pluscarden Pentecost Lectures to be given by Fr Richard Price.
A retired priest in the Archdiocese of Westminster and a former lecturer at Heythrop College.

30th May – 1st June 2023

What new challenges does the modern world present to Christian believers? What are they, and how can they be coped with? This series of talks addresses a broad range of problems – from that of living in an increasingly godless society to that posed by doubts as it how to read Scripture. It speaks of the need to cultivate one’s own spiritual perception of the world, and uses an autobiography by a nineteenth-century Italian to illustrate how to maintain Christian patience and charity in a context where we have to depend on our inner resources rather on a supportive environment, for that is the situation of a Christian today.

  1. Tuesday 30th May at 15:00 – Faith in a Society without Faith
  2. Wednesday 31st May at 10:30 – Reading the Bible Today
  3. Wednesday 31st May at 15:00 – Silvio Pellico as a Model Christian for Today
  4. Thursday 1st June at 10:30 – Religion and Experience

There is no charge for these lectures and all are welcome to attend.

Download the information leaflet:

To register for the talks, make further enquiries, or book accommodation, please write to:
Pentecost Lectures, Pluscarden Abbey, ELGIN, Moray IV30 8UA enclosing a SAE; fax 01343 890258; or email monks@pluscardenabbey.org

For further information check the Abbey at www.pluscardenabbey.org


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RC Diocese of Aberdeen Charitable Trust.
A registered Scottish Charity Number SC005122